If you need to save money on your auto insurance, there are dozens of ways to do it. Some of them are out of your control; for instance,tiffany, you cant do anything about an accident you had last year thats raising your premiums. However, there are plenty of small ways that you can affect your insurance premiums. Here are a few.
First, spend some serious time comparison shopping. You may find a broad variation in the quotes you get for the same level of auto insurance (one researcher found an $800 difference between quotes), or you may discover that your states standards are so firm that there is little difference between quotes. Get several quotes for your area. Also ask whether the insurance company offers multi car discounts or discounts for people who get both homeowners or rental insurance and auto insurance through them.
When you discuss your policy with the insurance agent, make sure you are getting all the discounts you are entitled to. Many agencies offer discounts for people who have been safe drivers for a certain number of years or who have held a drivers license for a certain length of time, and for cars that have features like anti lock brakes, automatic seatbelts, and anti theft devices. A membership with the American Automotive Association (AAA) may also save you money. Decreasing the number of miles you drive per year can also net you benefits: Some agencies lower the auto insurance premiums of drivers whose annual miles add up to less than 5,000 or 7,000.
Determine whether you really need certain kinds of coverage. For example, if uninsured drivers are rare in your area, you may be able to dispense with uninsured driver coverage. Also consider whether you can afford to raise your deductible. A higher deductible can lower your premium significantly, but it is cost effective only if you can also afford to pay the higher deductible if something should happen.
Take out a longer policy, since companies often charge more for short term policies. Also compare the cost for different payment methods. Many agencies offer slightly reduced premiums for customers who pay the whole year up front or who arrange to pay through automatic deductions from their checking account.
And, of course, look at who and what you are insuring. Are you the only person on the policy, or are there other drivers? Being under 25 or having had a recent accident raises a drivers premiums,vibram five fingers, so if you are sharing an insurance policy with a riskier driver, removing them could drop your premium markedly. Also, are all the cars on your policy being driven? If a car on your auto insurance is not being driven, and your state does not require all registered cars to have insurance regardless of their operability,mbt calzado, then strike your inoperative cars off your insurance.
There are plenty more ways to save money on your insurance that are not on this list. As you can see, there are multitudes of ways to save money on your auto insurance. Take into account not only your driving record and your insurance company, but all your driving habits, the equipment installed in your car,ghd hair, and the potential of outside elements like auto club memberships and driving classes. When you are done adding up all the available reductions to your premiums, you are likely to find that your auto insurance costs much less.